1078314 | JAPAN. Man'en. (1860-1862). (1860-62) AV Oban (万延大判金). PCGS AU53. Edo (Tokyo). 112.33gm. Crenulations with vertical calligraphic inscription in ink; four circular flower-stamps (or hanaoshi) composed of 5-3 pattern paulownia seals (丸に五三桐 or Maru ni go-san kiri) / Three stamps running down the middle with three smaller stamps to the lower left, (吉) (き) (宇). C 24a.2; JNDA 09-11; Fr.-7.

Hammered Coinage. Machine-made horizontal crenulations. Manen era.

Housed in an oversized holder. Includes Japanese Numismatic Dealers Association (JNDA) certificate No. 72518 (November 14, 2023).

Please use this link to verify the PCGS certification number 49470201

Man'en (万延) was a Japanese era name spanning the years from March 1860 through February 1861. The reigning emperor was Kōmei-tennō (孝明天皇).

1078314 JAPAN. Man'en. (1860-1862). (1860-62) AV Oban (万延大判金). PCGS AU53. Edo (Tokyo). 112.33gm. Crenulations with vertical calligraphic inscription in ink; four circular flower-stamps (or hanaoshi) composed of 5-3 pattern paulownia seals (丸に五三桐 ...

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