1078402 | ITALIAN STATES. Papal States. Julius II. (Pope, 1503-13). (1503-13) ND AV Fiorino di Camera . NGC AU58. Rome. 3.38gm. o IVLIVS o II o - o PONT o MAX o. Coat of arms surmounted by crossed keys and papal tiara, trefoil ornament to either side / o SANCTVS o PETRVS o - o ALMA (rosette) ROM. Saint Peter on "navicella" pulling a fishing net on board. C.N.I. XV/322/37; Muntoni I/100/10.

Includes original collector's ticket of Clelio Varesi.

Please use this link to verify the NGC certification number 6682387001

1078402 ITALIAN STATES. Papal States. Julius II. (Pope, 1503-13). (1503-13) ND AV Fiorino di Camera . NGC AU58. Rome. 3.38gm. o IVLIVS o II o - o PONT o MAX o. Coat of arms surmounted by crossed keys and papal tiara, trefoil ornament to either si...

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