1079007 | ITALIAN STATES. Venice. Antonio Venier. (Doge, 1382-1400). (1382-1400) ND AV Ducat. NGC MS66. 3.53gm. S • N • VENETI (left) - DVX - ANIO. VENERO (right). St. Mark standing right, presenting banner to kneeling Doge with tie at chin / (-) IT. T.<>PE• DLT.QT.V – REGIS • IST[VDADT]. Christ standing facing, raising hand in benediction and holding Gospels, surrounded by elliptical mandorla (halo) containing nine stars. Friedberg 1229; Montenegro 135.

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1079007 ITALIAN STATES. Venice. Antonio Venier. (Doge, 1382-1400). (1382-1400) ND AV Ducat. NGC MS66. 3.53gm. S • N • VENETI (left) - DVX - ANIO. VENERO (right). St. Mark standing right, presenting banner to kneeling Doge with tie at chin / (-) I...

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