1079263 | FRANCE. Louis-Philippe. (King, 1830-48). 1842 AV Medal of 8 Ducats Weight. PCGS SP62. By Depaulis. Paris. Edge: (anchor) OR. 36mm. 26.96gm. LOUIS PHILIPPE I. - ROI DES FRANÇAIS. Laureate bust, left; signed below truncation / INTENDANCE GÉNÉRALE DE LA LISTE CIVILE/ DIRECTION DES MUSÉES ROYAUX. Legend.

Salon painting prize medal awarded to Jacques-Léopold Loustau in 1842.

Please use this link to verify the PCGS certification number 46019687

Jacques Joseph Léopold Loustau (1815-1894) was a deaf French painter, educated at the Institute for Deaf-Mutes in Nancy from the age of 14 in 1829 until 1831. He studied at the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts with his professors, the established artists, Hersent and Léon Cogniet. Loustau produced many paintings and exhibited regularly at the Salon from 1842 until his death. Several of his paintings were purchased by and in the national collection.

1079263 FRANCE. Louis-Philippe. (King, 1830-48). 1842 AV Medal of 8 Ducats Weight. PCGS SP62. By Depaulis. Paris. Edge: (anchor) OR. 36mm. 26.96gm. LOUIS PHILIPPE I. - ROI DES FRANÇAIS. Laureate bust, left; signed below truncation / INTENDANCE GÉ...

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