1080543 | GREAT BRITAIN. George I. (King, 1714-1727). 1718 CU Halfpenny. PCGS MS63BN (Brown). London. GEORGIVS · REX ·. Laureate bust right / BRITAN - NIA ·. Brittania seated left, right hand near knee. KM 549; SCBC-3659.

Please use this link to verify the PCGS certification number 51116328

1080543 GREAT BRITAIN. George I. (King, 1714-1727). 1718 CU Halfpenny. PCGS MS63BN (Brown). London. GEORGIVS · REX ·. Laureate bust right / BRITAN - NIA ·. Brittania seated left, right hand near knee. KM 549; SCBC-3659. Please use this link to v...

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