1081059 | NETHERLANDS. Utrecht. 1697 AR 3 Gulden, 60 Stuiver. PCGS AU58. MO.ARG.ORD.FÆD.BELG.TRAI. Crowned shield of arms with flat top divides denomination / HAC NITIMVR - HANC TVEMVR. Standing figure with hat on pole leans on book on column; date in exergue. KM 75; Delmonte 1150; CNM.2.43.115; Dav.-4960.

Please use this link to verify the PCGS certification number 51116285

1081059 NETHERLANDS. Utrecht. 1697 AR 3 Gulden, 60 Stuiver. PCGS AU58. MO.ARG.ORD.FÆD.BELG.TRAI. Crowned shield of arms with flat top divides denomination / HAC NITIMVR - HANC TVEMVR. Standing figure with hat on pole leans on book on column; dat...

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